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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843

Houses of Parliament buildings and the Big Ben clock tower in 伦敦.

伦敦十字街和皇冠街, 英格兰

365英国上市官网's two-week faculty-led program in 伦敦. Cross和Crown将作为暑期II课程提供,前四周在校园,随后两周在英国. 本课程探讨了英国国教的建立:都铎王朝为何要为英格兰建立自己的国教, and how does it compare to other branches of Christianity? 参观圣公会基督教和英国王朝最重要的中心,从温莎城堡到圣. 保罗大教堂.

课程: REL 3735:十字和皇冠 (4学分)

计划的日期: August 5 - 15, 2024 (的 travel component of this course runs concurrently with 英格兰都铎王朝).

申请截止日期: March 1 (Apply by February 1 for best consideration for scholarships)


兰德尔·D. Engle, Director of Christianity Studies



大家好,我是恩格尔教授. I really hope you’ll consider coming with us to 伦敦 this summer. 我认为这次出国留学机会的一个特点是我们只离开12到14天,所以你可以保留你的暑期工作. We stay in apartments in 伦敦. 我们看到了所有的主要景点,所以你不必每天收拾行李,坐公共汽车. It’s also a foreign travel experience but with no language barrier. So, I think that is what makes this distinctive and I hope to see you.

如果你在365英国上市官网的网站上申请,你可能会得到很多奖学金. 通常, 截止日期是3月1日,在你们开始旅行之前,有一些关于你自己的问题和一些论文问题. 我建议你在奥克兰的网站上申请尽可能多的奖学金. An if you’re an 365英国上市官网 荣誉学院 student, 你可以通过365英国上市官网荣誉学院获得额外的资金,他们在网站上有一个单独的奖学金申请,但一定要尽可能多地申请,祝你在旅行中获得奖学金好运.

We saw a lot of old cathedrals and palaces and archives and museums. I got to see the Church of War rooms on my free day. We got to see the Lambeth archives. We got to see a lot of just old Bibles, old artifacts. I saw an original Benjamin Franklin signature. So yeah, if you’re thinking about going to 伦敦 with Dr. 恩格尔,他是个很酷的人. I think you’ll really like the trip. 我强烈建议这样做.

所以,博士. Engle as a guide is quite frankly the most fun tour guide that I’ve ever had. Like my mom’s best friend was a huge history person, Dr. 恩格尔拿了蛋糕. 你浏览了所有这些伦敦的网站,他只知道一些最微小的细节,就像复活节彩蛋一样,你会停下来看他所谓的丰富多彩的评论, 这真是太搞笑了,太有趣了,你从他那里学到的东西比从某个坐在房间里的家伙那里学到的要多.

准备工作很简单. We met like once or twice a week for a couple of weeks. 然后我们去了伦敦.

大家好!. 我叫雅各布,去年夏天我有机会和恩格尔教授一起去伦敦, 英格兰, 我不得不说,这不仅是我这一年的亮点之一,也是我整个学术经历的亮点之一. As an English enthusiast and major, 能够去像威斯敏斯特教堂这样的地方,去看一些我最喜欢的作家、诗人和作家的葬礼或纪念馆,这是一次非常酷的经历,我真的很喜欢这样做,我非常推荐和恩格尔教授一起去任何地方旅行.

所以,这非常简单. 你只要走. It doesn’t have to be complicated. 出国留学也很容易.


Students will fly as a group to 伦敦, the capital of 英格兰 and the United Kingdom, and transfer by bus to Kensington, a bustling area and one of 伦敦’s most exclusive neighborhoods. 旅行体验将使学生沉浸在英国文化中,并鼓励学生在完成公开大学校园的课堂体验后对英国教会发展进行分析. 

学生们将在伦敦的一所公立研究型大学帝国理工学院附近呆十天. Its history began with Prince Albert, 维多利亚女王的配偶, 是谁构想出了包括皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅在内的文化区, 维多利亚 & Albert Museum, Natural History Museum, and several royal colleges. 帝国理工学院距离地铁站仅几步之遥,靠近都铎王朝的所有东西:St. James Palace, Lambeth Palace, Westminster and Whitehall. Hampton Court Palace and Windsor Castle are a short train ride away.

Travel begins with a day trip to Leicester and a visit to 博斯沃思田野和博物馆, site of Henry VII and Richard III’s battle. 汉普顿宫之旅,伦敦西南部梅多布鲁克大厅的灵感来源. 返回伦敦,参观兰伯斯宫,坎特伯雷大主教的私人教堂.

A guided tour takes students behind the scenes of Parliament. Attend a Choral Eucharist at St. Paul’s Cathedral and enjoy High tea at the Georgian. 乘坐火车前往剑桥,在导游的带领下步行游览了受都铎王朝和英国国教影响的城市景观,最后在国王学院的合唱晚祷中结束. 

亮点包括伦敦塔之旅,在塔山寻宝,然后是晚上的演讲和环球剧院的表演. 在温莎城堡观看卫兵换岗,在圣乔治城堡观看军事音乐会. 乔治的教堂. 参观亨利八世和简·西摩女王的坟墓,参观威斯敏斯特教堂.

Following the program, students return to Michigan from 伦敦. Some students choose to stay on in Europe to travel on their own.


要求: 平均成绩不低于3分.0是必需的. 没有达到GPA要求的学生仍然有资格申请,在申请之前应该与开放大学的国际教育办公室联系.

课程: REL 3735:十字和皇冠 (4学分). This course fulfills OU’s General Education Requirement in Global Perspective or Western Civilization, but not both.


十字和皇冠课程在夏季II,作为宗教研究的特别课程. 课程的前半部分, on campus lectures and readings, 提供都铎王朝的历史背景,使学生能够理解和分析英国的宗教和文化发展.  本课程的第二部分提供了生动的英国文化旅行体验,并分析了英国和教会的发展.  

Journaling and daily meetings will guide this understanding and analysis.


This course will survey the events that brought the Tudors to the throne, and 英格兰 out of the medieval period and into the early modern world. 特别的重点将给予都铎王朝建立的英格兰教会, along with the English Reformation, the development of the nation state, 君主制, and the blossoming of English literature and music.


在伦敦, 学生们将被安排在肯辛顿帝国学院附近的一家酒店双人入住. 

Full English breakfasts daily are included. 学生将负责其他餐食,并可在众多餐厅中任意一家独立购买午餐和晚餐, 餐馆, 该地区的咖啡馆和酒吧. Some of the most famous local dishes include Yorkshire pudding, 炸鱼薯条, 香肠和土豆泥, beef wellington and sticky toffee pudding.




项目费用: $2,500

通过我们的市场支付系统支付给OU,包括:住房和大部分膳食, ground transportation and all excursions while in 英格兰, 还有健康保险.

额外费用: $1,675

You will need additional funds for these expenses not covered by program fee. 数额是估计的.

Incidental personal expenses: $200
Passport (if you don't have one): $175

Scholarships and 金融援助: 你可以使用经济援助来支付你参加这个项目的全部费用(学费), program fee and additional costs). Scholarships are also available through your study abroad application.